Tuesday, November 20, 2007

ग्लोबल वार्मिंग से क्या प्रलय का खतरा नहीं ???

वक्त रहते अगर हम नहीं जागे तो कुछ ही साल के अन्दर समुद्र के स्तर में खतरनाक बढ़होतरी हो जाएगी और प्रलय जैसे हालात बन जऐंगे । ग्लोबल वार्मिंग पर यह आख़री चेतावनी है नोबेल प्राइज़ से सम्मानित युनाइटेड नेशंस के इंटर गवर्नमेंटल पैनल ऑन क्लाइमेट चेंज का । अपनी चौथी रिपोर्ट में मौसम के बदलाव से कई ख़तरों के बारे में दुनिया भर के मुल्क़ों को सावधान किया है। दुनिया के बढ़ते हुए उर्जा के इस्तेमाल को देखते हुए इंटरनैशनल एनर्जी एजेंसी ने कहा था की अगर स्थिती ऐसी ही रही तो 2030 तक तापमान 6 डिग्री बढ़ जाएगी और प्रलय जैसी हालत हो जाएगी । इस भयानक खतरे से ग्लोबल स्तर पर तुरंत क़दम उठा कर ही बचा जा सकता है।


Anonymous said...

Undoubtedly globel warming is turning out to be a environment hazard.Different agencies have been doing and publishing the study in this regard.Beside this nature itself is indicating the impact.Devil of cloud bursts in the hills of India, wildspread flood in the plains of Bihar and Bangladesh of course and monster of herican bothering the Superpower are enough to reflect the devastating outcome of Globel Warming.India is still a small contributer in this field but in the recent 10-12 years its percentage contribution has increased.As adeveloping country we can't afford to restrict our industrial growth for the sake of environment at the same time how can we let our coming generation to inherit an a sorrounding choked of toxic gases.

Anonymous said...

globel warming could reverse decades of social and economic progress across asia,where food shortage loom and more than half the continent'four billion people along vulnerable coasts,a new report issued by oxfam green peace warned on monday.The document 'asia up in smoke'was comleted by more than 35 development and environmental groups including oxfam and green peace.it reports on the growing scientific consensus that all of asia will warm during this century and the result could me less predictable rainfall and monsoon affecting the food supply while tropical cyclones such as the one devasted bangladesh last week become more frequent or powerful

Anonymous said...

प्रिय निख़त आपकी टिप्पणी सराहनीय है । लेकिन आज के इस उपभोक्तावादी समाज मे हम खुद इसके लिए कितना प्रयत्न करते है यह हमे सोंचना है

Anonymous said...

yes nikhat u r right that global warming is a very dangours think for us becouse if we cant stop that we will defenetly finish afer 30-35 year.thats why this is a very impotent that we thhink seriously about the global worming.

Anonymous said...

yes that global warming is a very dangours think for us becouse if we cant stop that we will defenetly finish afer 30-35 year.thats why this is a very impotent that we thhink seriously about the global worming.