Thursday, January 17, 2008

BHARAT RATNA – and my nominee are……

Morning of 17th January. Years ago this author came into existence on the same day. The day has repeated itself once again. My landlord’s dog (she) – Maggie, was first to wish me. Her sound made me wake up.

I turned on my television set. News flashed on the face (screen) of a news channel. It read, “The govt. is planning to scrap ‘BHARAT RATAN’ (highest civilian award in India)”. Maggie, once again opened its mouth, as if it was asking who my nominee for the prestigious award are.

The question took me into a serious thought. All political parties (even individuals) are proposing the names of their leader for this award. As the thinking process was on my eyes stuck to a news headline of English daily, which read ‘BIRD FLUE BREAK OUT IN BENGAL, CULLING OPERATION IS ON’.

The headline helped me to find my nominee for the honor. I decided to propose the CHICKENS (not headless) for the congregation. Maggie with a sigh of astonishment opened her eyes wide, as if my decision went out of her expectations.

I have some sound ground for this nomination. Look at the history of chicken as a species. It has been serving our society for a long as a source of proteins. The species has made its case strong by adding yet another social service. These are sacrificing there life so that H5N1 (virus which causes bird flu) remains out of human population.

Unfortunately they have been denied of their due. If the award is supposed to be given for the one who served the society with absolute sacrifice, then my case makes a point. Now it is up to you to decide. What do you think?
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